Gnome 3, how to (correctly) install icon theme

A quick entry.

1. Download a desired icon theme from, I’m going to use Qogir icon theme

2. Uncompress the file and move the theme folders to /usr/share/icons, select the folders that contains index.theme file, then update the icon cache:

$ tar -xf 01-Qogir.tar.xz 
$ sudo mv Qogir* /usr/share/icons 
$ sudo gtk-update-icon-cache -q /usr/share/icons/Qogir
$ sudo gtk-update-icon-cache -q /usr/share/icons/Qogir-dark

3. Open gnome tweaks and select the icon theme to apply it.

An important advivice, other tutorials recomends copy the icon themes to ~/.icons folder but if you choose this theme some icons don’t be charged by the system. For example, in my music player the prev/next buttons don’t appear:

Is needed to move the icon themes to /usr/share/icons and update the cache.

See ya! =)
