GNOME, creating Dynamic Wallpapers

This is a quick entry, there are two kind of Dynamic wallpapers for gnome:

  • Dynamic wallpaper changed by choosen theme (light/dark)
  • Dynamic wallpaper changed by defined time transition

It can easily identify each one, the first have a preview with the both backgrouns (light and dark), the second have a clock icon at the bottom left corner:

They can be created using the next tools, installed from flathub.

Dynamic Wallpaper

Dynamic Wallpaper Editor

Or if you prefer, you could create and edit the files manually from the next locations:

# Only for the actual user

## path to user xml definition of the background

## path to user backgrounds directory with xml definition for transitions

# For all users

## path to system xml definition of the background

## path to system backgrounds directory with xml definition for transitions

Thats all, enjoy =D!

g4music an open source music player for gnome

Since six years ago, I have been using youtube music (previously named Google Play Music), and each time I have felt the influence of the algorithm more and more when it shows me some recommendations, sometimes it was fine, but I really miss the simplicity to listen to my music without depend from the streaming service.

So then I have decided to use an offline music player and I choosed g4music, it is «a beautiful, fast, fluent, light weight music player written in GTK4» and I really like it.

I have been using it a lot the last few days and I remembered how I felt to manage and play my music library with no internet connection and it is really enjoyable.

It can be installed from flathub:

# Install

flatpak install flathub com.github.neithern.g4music

# Run

flatpak run com.github.neithern.g4music

Here are some features that I’ve noticed.

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